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Entries by Duke Language School

Why Thai people never say “No” (and how to tell if they’re REALLY saying “No”)

Thais find it terribly hard to say “no”. This may stem from the culture of avoiding confrontation or the fear of disappointing others. Therefore, most Thais try to find ways to say “no” without actually saying it. They do this even in English sometimes and may cause a misunderstanding because “no” actually means “no” to most westerners. So, here […]

Why you only know how to speak Thai like a “farang”…

Have you ever wondered why you still sound like a “farang” after taking months and months of Thai classes? Have you ever had any problems not being understood by Thai people, or perhaps not understanding a word they say when they talk among themselves? No, Thai people aren’t speaking too fast. Just like how you wouldn’t want to […]

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