ED Visa Refund Policy

Do we provide a refund?

The short answer is yes, if your application is not approved by the Ministry of Education, and no if your application is rejected by the Thai embassy, consulate, or immigration.

To understand our refund policy, it is important to understand the application process.

Stage 1: MOE Approval (Refund Guaranteed)

Getting an approval letter from the Ministry of Education is the first part of the process. All applicants are required to complete our application form and send us a copy of their passport with 12 passport sized photos. After full payment is made, these documents will be submitted to the Ministry of Education.

Should your application be rejected by the Ministry of Education, Duke Language School will provide a full refund short of 2,000 baht.

While our visa assistance service is free and we do not charge a registration, admin, or processing fee, there will be a 2,000 baht admin fee to cover our expenses should there be a refund.

Stage 2: Visa Application (No Refund)

Once your application is approved by the Ministry of Education, you have been granted permission to study Thai in Thailand.

The next step however, is to get permission to stay in Thailand by submitting the letter of approval from the Ministry of Education to a Thai embassy, consulate, or immigration to apply for the education visa.

There is no refund if your application is rejected by an embassy, consulate, or immigration.

Here are the reasons:

Choice of embassy or consulate – It is your responsibility to do your research before visiting a Thai embassy or consulate. Some are very strict while others are easygoing. The choice is yours to make, not ours.

Bad record – Your application could be rejected due to a past criminal record, or if you’ve been blacklisted for previous offences like overstaying, border bouncing, applying for too many tourist visas, working in Thailand illegally, and etc. Whatever the reason, no school can be responsible for your misconduct.

Politics – If there is a conflict between Thailand and your home country, your chance of getting the education visa could be slim or near impossible. It is your responsibility to check with the Thai embassy or consulate you plan to visit before making a commitment with our school.


Duke Language School is in the business of teaching Thai and selling Thai language courses.

We do not sell ED visas.

If you buy enough courses, we will help you with the ED visa application process with no service fee or extra charge.

You are only paying for Thai courses at our school. The cost of the ED visa is paid directly to the embassy, consulate, or immigration, and the cost of the extension is paid directly to immigration.

We are not a visa agency and do not have the authority to grant you the ED visa.

For further information about applying for the ED visa from abroad, click here to contact the Thai embassy or consulate you plan to visit.

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