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Entries by Duke Language School

The bloodiest dish ever…

Yes, that’s right…it’s blood you’re looking at.  This is a concoction of raw beef and pig’s guts marinated in cold pig’s blood (you can boil the guts if you’re wimpy).  This Isaan (Northeastern Thai) specialty is called “Sok Lek” (ซกเล็ก). Seriously, Westerners (or anyone else not from Isaan) are certainly playing culinary Russian roulette when […]

There is a temple in Thailand where superheroes…

What if one day, all superheroes became disciples of Lord Buddha? How about chanting Buddhist sutras while saving the day? There is a temple in Thailand where superheroes are painted on the temple walls. This epic piece of wall art is at Bang Jak Temple in Nonthaburi province. Batman, Superman, SpiderMan, Wolverine, Green Lantern, the […]

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